The meeting was called for the president, Bob Johnson, at 7:10 p.m.  The minutes of the previous meeting will read and accepted.  The treasurer’s report followed.  The chapter now has in its 315 $262.08, $40.74 in the book exchange account, and we have a balance outstanding of $65.70.

Future service projects are coat checking, ushering, blood drive, and ushering the University's Symphony.

The following are the Brotherhood Ritual changes which will vote on:

Move: to change the fourfold program of service to read:

this passed (Secretary, page 20)

Move: to reconsider the motion to change the date of the dance from February 1 to March 6.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
John A. Kucharski

Next available meeting minutes